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Mighty Maisy Maze Course Element Printouts

Printable course elements that make up the Mighty Maisy Maze Field. Instructions for putting together courses are on the first page of the document.
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Rescue Maze Rules & TDP – 2023

The Official RoboCup Junior Australia Rescue Maze Rules and Technical Description Paper template for 2023.

Custom Bot Workshop 2023

On the 1st of May 2023, RoboCup Junior Australia ran an online workshop on the use of Custom (Arduino + Raspberry Pi) Bots in robotics. The workshop featured many presenters...

Mighty Maisy Maze Introduction

Authored by Rescue Maze National Coordinator David Musgrave, this introduction covers the new simplified Rescue Maze division, Mighty Maisy Maze.

Mighty Maisy Maze Quick Reference

Authored by Rescue Maze Coordinators Tim Ronchi and David Musgrave, this Quick Reference document covers the new simplified Rescue Maze division, Mighty Maisy Maze.

MTA Beginners Cup – Even Bigger for 2023

Back again in 2023 at the Australian Open National Championships is the Modern Teaching Aids Beginners Cup. As Platinum National Sponsor of RCJA, Modern Teaching Aids is proud to support...

2022 National Spike Prime Competition

Congratulations to all the winners for the RoboCup Junior Spike Prime Competition.See the results here: is a recap of some of the submissions from across Australia:

Rescue Maze Victim Assembly Guide

Authored by Rescue Maze expert Neil Gray, this tutorial covers putting together the Victims for the Rescue Maze Challenge.

Rescue Maze EV3 Micropython Tutorial

Authored by Rescue Maze expert Neil Gray, this tutorial covers putting together a Rescue Maze robot using the human readable programming language, micropython

Rescue Maze EV3 Classroom Tutorial

Authored by Rescue Maze expert Neil Gray, this tutorial covers putting together a Rescue Maze robot using the newer vertical block EV3 programming language.

EV3 Classic Simple Simon Soccer Tutorial

Click here to download the PDF tutorial.

MTA Beginners Cup – New for 2022

Brand new for 2022 National Event is the Modern Teaching Aids Beginners Cup. As Platinum National Sponsor of RCJA, Modern Teaching Aids is proud to support this initiviate to make...
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